
  rphys las of bat就是其中之一(从某些词条的内容来看,我怀疑是在越战期间总结的)。
  1. friendly fire - isnt.?
  友军火力一点儿都不友好。(美军术语friendly fire是指“被自己人误伤”)
  2. reilless rifles - arent.?
  3. suppressive fires - ay of telling you to sloorks, it isnt stupid.?
  7. try to look uniortant; the ene y be loaste a bullet on you.?
  8. if at first you dont suade by the loo oy is probably just falling baportant things are alay is als fire. for this reason, it is not at
  all unn for airake sure the ene knoithin range, so are you.
  32. the only thing re aore than your fair share of objeeer, the ines are equal opportunity ing for virginity.
  “为了和平而杀戮”,就像是说为了贞洁而玩叉叉(se on it; its the one addressed “to ith the silest unifor een then you ost dangerous thing in the ays atake a stake.
  67. one ene soldier is never enough, but teather, the re you are required to be out in it.